June’s Monthly MIssion: Backstreet Arts

On Sunday morning, June 23, Rev. Rita Henault blessed the Outreach bags to be donated to Backstreet Arts here in Newnan. Backstreet Arts is a local nonprofit that offers a free, safe, welcoming, and creative environment to anyone who may benefit from the healing power of art and community. Clients include individuals who are unhoused, veterans struggling with mental health, or people just desiring an engaging place to create art. To learn more about Backstreet Arts, please watch our video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGHyPKTSfX0

May’s Monthly Mission: Backpack Buddies

Church members donated 851 lbs of food to Backpack Buddies to help with their summer feeding program for children. Walter Jones presented our Community Grant check for $5,000 and spoke briefly about our church’s desire to alleviate hunger for children. Backpack Buddies personnel were most appreciative of our donation of food, money, and volunteer time to pack bags for delivery. To learn more about Backpack Buddies, please watch our video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT6qVFdmPS0

April’s Monthly Mission: Coweta Community Food Pantry

St. Paul’s donated 85 blessed food bags to the Coweta Community Food Pantry for its elderly clients. In addition to the food, a Community Grant check for $10,000 was presented to the Food Pantry. To learn more about the Coweta Community Food Pantry, please watch our video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CiUOtWoCgs