Rhett Barnwell
Organist & Choirmaster
Rhett has earned a Bachelor of Music degree from Florida State University and a Master of Music degree from St. Louis Conservatory, both in French horn performance. He has pursued graduate study in Choral Conducting at Westminster Choir College and Doctoral study at the University of Georgia in Organ and Choral Conducting. Rhett has also spent time at the Taize Community in France and studied Gregorian chant at the Abbey of Solesmes, France, as well as, at the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music at the Vatican.
In 2019, Rhett went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, staying at a convent on the Via Dolorosa and composing Psalm settings for harp and voice. He accomplished this work while being located a block away from the Temple Mount where the Psalms would have originally been sung. When not doing something musical, Rhett enjoys travel, history, languages, and herding his three adorable and spoiled cats.