“Building a godly foundation in the hearts of children to sustain them for a lifetime.”

Children are a key focus and priority at St. Paul’s, and we encourage involvement at all ages. St. Paul’s parents find wonderful, clean spaces with organic opportunities for children to find new relationships with God in developmentally appropriate ways. Come join us in our recently renovated Children’s Wing where we can help your children become rooted in their faith.

Children’s Formation is comprised of the following ministries:


St. Paul’s nursery is a safe, bright environment, with a warm and caring team of staff and volunteers to care for your child. Care is available on Sunday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for children ages 9 weeks through age four. Snacks are provided.

Children’s Chapel

During the 10:30 a.m. service, children ages 4 through second grade have their own chapel service with a kid-friendly Liturgy of the Word which includes a short sermon and singing. Children will process out of the main service at a set time, as indicated in the weekly service bulletin. After interacting with the lesson of the day the children rejoin the congregation during the Peace.

Godly Play/Sunday School

Godly Play is a Montessori-based curriculum, held at 9:30 am on Sundays, that includes storytelling, interaction, exploration, and creativity to teach and enliven Bible stories. In Godly Play, for ages 4 through 3rd grade, marvelous things happen as children “work, play and wonder together at the awesomeness of God.”

Holy Eucharist Lessons

We offer a few classes yearly on the Holy Eucharist.

Vacation Bible School

In the summer, children ages 4 through rising 6th grade are invited to join our amazing youth and adult volunteers for themed Vacation Bible School. Our themes change yearly and have most recently included Surf Shack, Hero Central, Rolling River Rampage and Roar. Snack and T-Shirts are provided.


The acolyte ministry trains our children to serve during worship and at the altar. The acolytes gain experience with the liturgy, the priests and other members of the worship ministries as they grow as individuals.

Diocese of ATL Policy for Safeguarding Children and Youth
St. Paul’s Newnan Safeguarding Policies for the Protection of Children and Youth
children are sitting on the floor

St. Paul’s EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) embraces youth who are in the 6th through 12th grades. Our mission is to welcome everyone as we search for God in our lives through the Scriptures, prayers, outreach, and having fun together.


The acolyte ministry trains our children to serve during worship and at the altar. The acolytes gain experience with the liturgy, the priests and other members of the worship ministries as they grow as individuals.

Our regular gatherings Include:

Sunday School (Sundays from 9:30 am-10:15 am)

6th and 7th grade youth meet weekly during the school year for Rite 13. Rite 13’s focus is to build self-esteem in the context of the Christian community and to prepare youth to be adults in the church. Rite 13 affirms the power of creative energy to explore thoughts and disciplines which allow individuals to effect change in the world.

8th – 12th grade youth meet weekly in the Youth Room. This group uses the J2A curriculum to continue their journey to be adults in the church, and they help plan the youth spring retreat and summer trip.

Stay Connected with St. Paul’s EYC:

Instagram: @stpaulsnewnan
Facebook groups: St. Paul’s EYC and St. Paul’s Episcopal
Remind Texts: text @6369fc to 81010

Diocese of ATL Policy for Safeguarding Children and Youth
St. Paul’s Newnan Safeguarding Policies for the Protection of Children and Youth
A portrait of a girl looking in the sky

“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. We need not wait to see what others do.” — Gandhi

There are many ways to change ourselves, and volunteering at St. Paul’s is one of the best we can think of. Want to jump in with both feet? Offer to lead a ministry group, become a Eucharistic minister, or start a program you see a need for. Too much? Then, start small: sing in the choir, join the stewardship committee, or become a monthly coffee brewer!

Come, volunteer, and see if the attitude of the world changes toward you, or if your attitude toward the world changes others!

For volunteer opportunities, review the weekly bulletin, contact the church office, or Subscribe to The Constant Contact e-Newsletter.

Health and Healing

Daughters of the King:

The Daughters of the King is a prayer ministry open to the women of St. Paul’s. Evangelism, prayer, and service are our main goals. Any person can ask a Daughter to pray for them, for any reason, and we will continue to do so for 30 days. The Daughters generally meet the first Sunday of every month, after the 10:30 service. If you are interested in joining us, please contact the president, Jennifer Jones.

Grief Ministry:

This ministry assists the people of St. Paul’s who are grieving the loss of a close loved one. Four books and letters are sent to grieving parishioners upon the death of an immediate family member according to a recommended schedule.

Lay Eucharistic Visits:

The Lay Eucharist Visits ministry has expanded its service at Wesley Woods to weekly Eucharist and Prayers on Thursday Mornings at 10:30 am. Three Eucharistic Ministers were recruited to assist. They continue to make regularly scheduled Eucharistic visits to St Paul’s parishioners who are homebound. Please more information contact Bill Harrison.

Prayer Intercessors:

The Prayer Intercessors ministry’s purpose is to support parishioners through prayer on Sunday mornings. Trained Prayer Intercessors are available in the side chapel transept before the 10:30 am service, during communion, and after the 10:30 am service. All prayer requests are held in confidence and can be for specific needs, needs of others, unspoken needs or thanksgivings. If you have a prayer request, questions about the ministry, or would like to become a part of this ministry, please contact Anne Graner.

Online Healing Service Bulletin


St. Paul’s has an active outreach program. We work to breathe life into our mission statement of seeking to see and serve Christ in all persons. Our overarching theme is to be ‘Rooted in Love’ in all we do for each other and for our community. Outreach Committee members oversee the following programs:

Monthly Mission Outreach (MMO):

Every month a local nonprofit is chosen to be the beneficiary of parishioners’ purchases while also learning more about the organization and the clients it serves. The purchases are blessed by the priest during the month’s worship service and are delivered to the nonprofit location. Click here for more information about St. Paul’s Monthly Mission Outreach.

Here are some of the 2024 MMO recipients:

  • Coweta Samaritan Clinic
  • Coweta Community Food Pantry/ One Roof Ecumenical Alliance Outreach
  • Backpack Buddies summer feeding program
  • Backstreet Arts
  • Sleep in Heavenly Peace
  • Newnan Coweta Humane Society
Red Cross Blood Drive

St. Paul’s hosts three blood drives a year. Donors very much appreciate our friendliness. We always welcome volunteers who can help set up, check people in, or serve delicious snacks.

EveryBODY Dance Now

Twice a month we create a joyous time of dancing and laughter with our friends from the Rutledge Center, whose clients are differently abled. The first Tuesday of the month is held at the Rutledge Center. The third Tuesday of the month is held in our church’s Parish Hall. Come join the fun!

Community Grants:

St. Paul’s Community Grants committee chooses nonprofits to provide grant money for their programs. In 2024, an Outreach survey concluded that parishioners’ highest concern was for individuals who dealt with food insecurity. The Community Grants committee responded to this information by granting money to two organizations: the Coweta Community Food Pantry (which began at St. Paul’s 40 years ago) and Backpack Buddies (for their year round program providing food for school children over the weekend).

Angel Tree:

During the season of Advent, the Angel Tree is placed in the Narthex, covered in tags listing desired Christmas items for children in foster care and for the elderly. Parishioners take a tag and return the unwrapped item. Gift items are blessed before they are delivered to the recipients.

Community Volunteer Opportunities:

A list of local volunteer opportunities is being created. It includes website links to the nonprofits, information about the organization, and contact information.

Parish Life

The purpose of the Parish Life ministries is to provide opportunities within our parish for fellowship, spiritual growth, and celebration of special Holy Days of the liturgical calendar. For more information contact Elizabeth Pape.

Men’s Club:

The St. Paul’s Men’s Club was formed in 2007. The Men’s Club meets one Sunday a month at 6:00 p.m. for dinner and fellowship and is open to all St. Paul’s men and their guests. We host an annual BBQ sale & fundraiser, have prayerful conversations, take on special parish improvement projects and more! A yearly retreat of the Men is held where they spend time getting spiritually renewed. Contact Bob Heaberlin for more information.

Parish Library:

The mission of the library is to make books and other materials readily available to all St Paul’s parishioners and to provide support for church education programs. The library strives to make materials available that provide inspiration and knowledge to help individuals grow in their faith and to promote spiritual development. For more details contact Jennifer Jones.

Wednesday Night Suppers:

St. Paul’s families rotate teams that plan, prepare, and serve either home-cooked or restaurant-catered meals to church members and guests. Wednesday Night Suppers are a time to relax and take a night off cooking while enjoying the fellowship of others. People come not only to be in fellowship but also to use this as time to relax during the busy Wednesday night church programming. Volunteers can either be reimbursed or you can donate the meal.


Foyers Groups bring small groups of parishioners together to share meals and fellowship. Groups have autonomy to decide on meeting times and places, and the groups aren’t intended to do anything other than give members a chance to connect and get to know each other more deeply. Contact Marianne Lawhead. Welcoming had some significant accomplishments in 2023. First, our new visitor pew cards were finalized. These new cards have a QR code which allows visitors to enter their contact information directly into Realm using their cell phone. The new cards were used by about 15 families representing 42 individuals; 31 of whom transitioned into being members. We are still fine tuning our Welcoming pathway in Realm to help assist in following up and connecting with our guests. In addition, a welcoming brunch was held in the Spring during coffee hour to meet new members and their families. Plans for 2024 is to create a strong Newcomer environment that includes follow up and fellowship. A special thank you to Marianne Lawhead, Wendy LeVan, and Virginia Williams for their work on this ministry during 2023.


St. Paul’s strives to make sure that all guests feel welcome while visiting or reaching out to St. Paul’s staff or ministry leaders. The following are the main ministries.

Coffee Hour:

Coffee hour provides our members refreshments during our fellowship time with our members and visitors following the 10:30 Sunday service.


The Greeters ministry continues to be a vital first point of contact for visitors and our current members on Sunday mornings. St. Paul’s greeters are the first line of contact for guests of St. Paul’s. They make sure that the door feels open to all who attend.

Java Crew:

Java Crew puts the coffee in coffee hour! This ministry group sets up St. Paul’s coffee service area and sees that fresh coffee is brewed and refilled during our coffee hour. Parishioners and guests can enjoy fresh coffee between our 8:30 and 9:30 am services. Many hands make tasks easier. If you would like to join Java Crew, please email Mindy Benefield at gacatfan@gmail.com or call 678-480-3042. Please leave a message if there is no answer.


The term “liturgy” translates to the “work of the people.” When we come together on Sunday mornings and other occasions for the Holy Eucharist, the priest leads the collective “work” of our entire community. It’s a shared effort where everyone plays a part, and parishioners are invited to take on specific roles of leadership.

Below are the Liturgical Ministries at St. Paul’s:


Being an acolyte holds significant tradition at St. Paul’s, with many of our adult members fondly recalling their service in this ministry. Acolytes have various responsibilities, such as lighting candles, carrying crosses, torches, and banners during processions, and assisting clergy in preparing the altar for the Holy Eucharist. Ministry Leader: Frankey Henderson

Flower Guild

Members of the Flower Guild arrange beautiful flowers and greenery for our worship space, bringing a sense of beauty to our gatherings. Parishioners can make donations if they wish to have flowers on the altar for a particular Sunday, often in honor or memory of loved ones. Ministry Leader: Louise Howard

Altar Guild

Directed by the Rector, the Altar Guild’s duties involve preparing for worship services, including setting the altar and caring for the adornments and vessels used during worship. Teams of members work on a rotating basis to ensure everything is ready not just for Sundays but also for baptisms, weddings, funerals, and other special services. Ministry leaders: Renee Powell and Kathy Ellison

Eucharistic Ministers

These ministers rotate in assisting the clergy by administering the chalice during the Holy Eucharist. This role provides a meaningful opportunity to convey God’s love to our congregation. Ministry leaders: Amy and Daryl Jones

Lectors and Intercessors

Each regular Sunday, three lectors present readings from the Old Testament, the Epistle, and the Prayers of the People. Twice a month, youth readers take on one of these roles, much to the congregation’s delight. Ministry leader: Dean Eelman


Men and women serve as ushers by welcoming people, receiving offerings, and ensuring the smooth flow and interaction of the congregation with clergy during worship services. We have multiple teams of ushers who rotate each Sunday and during special services. Ministry leader: Bob Heaberlin


Vergers play a crucial role in directing the flow of our services each Sunday. By managing tasks and people involved in every service, they allow clergy to focus on the spiritual aspects of our worship. Ministry leader: Tony King


Outreach at St. Paul’s means helping our community beyond our church. We provide meals, support shelters, collect clothes, and work with local groups. Our goal is to show love in action, making a real difference in people’s lives. Through outreach, we share God’s love and care for those around us.

Join Us in Worship and Community Today

Connect with us to discover a community where love, faith, and fellowship flourish, welcoming you with open arms.

Ministry Adult