St. Paul’s Clergy and Staff Purpose Statement

We pledge to compassionately and faithfully serve the people of St. Paul’s by maintaining healthy boundaries, honoring processes, protocols, and confidences while discerning the work of the Holy Spirit.

Father Winston

The Reverend Richard Winston Arthur


Fr. Winston is St. Paul’s rector. He brings to our church a wealth of experience, a deep commitment to ministry, and a joyful enthusiasm for guiding communities in faith. He has a distinguished academic background, with degrees in history and politics, as well as in law,…

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Nicole Ravenell Edwards

Nicole Ravenell Edwards

Parish Administrator

Prior to joining the staff of St. Paul’s, Nicole Ravenell Edwards worked as an independent consultant helping small, medium, and large private and government agencies improve how they conduct their business by changing and enhancing their business processes.

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Rhett Barnwell

Rhett Barnwell

Organist & Choirmaster

Rhett has earned a Bachelor of Music degree from Florida State University and a Master of Music degree from St. Louis Conservatory, both in French horn performance. He has pursued graduate study in Choral Conducting at Westminster Choir College and Doctoral study at the University of Georgia in Organ and Choral Conducting.

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Deandre Bruton

Rev. Deandre Bruton

Director of Children, Youth, & Families Ministries

Rev. Bruton is a native of Carrollton, GA, the oldest of five, and a 2010 graduate of Carrollton High School. He also holds a B.A. in Christian Counseling & Psychology, with a minor in biblical studies from Toccoa Falls College. Rev. Bruton has . . .

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Dawn Harrison

Dawn Harrison

Director of Children’s Choir & Parish Handbell Choir

Dawn Harrison is the Director of Children’s Choirs and Parish Handbell Choir. In 2002, our minister of music, Ben Bachman, moved to another parish. Dawn and Sally Evans took over the leadership of the children’s choir. After Sally moved to Atlanta . . .

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Cole Hankins

Cole Hankins

Multimedia Associate

Cole Hankins joined the St. Paul’s staff as Multimedia Associate in the Fall of 2020. Bringing with him a passion for digital audio and video, he is responsible for the recording and live-streaming of worship services.

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Geoff Mattera

Geoff Mattera

Communications Director

Geoff has spent the bulk of his career as a videographer and editor working in community media and local government television. Geoff’s mandate at St. Paul’s is to create and implement effective communications…

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Nicole Walters

Nicole Walters


Nicole Walters has called St. Paul’s home since 2021 and is delighted to be the Seminarian serving her home Parish during her Episcopal and Anglican studies at Candler School of Theology at Emory University.

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